
Here is a comic on the theme of heredity that I did a couple of years ago. It is part of my collection, X Utero (A Cluster of Comics) available from my shop, at Orbital Comics and Foyles in London.

It was a way to process the knowledge that, not having had children and not having siblings, family traits will die out with me. Quite an egotistical thing to be concerned with, really, but one that people who haven’t had children occasionally think about – possibly because they are glad or sad that they won’t be passing on their DNA! Rather than being too concerned about my own DNA coming to rest, I was more sad about the prospect of family photos becoming obsolete – so I made a comic with them for anyone who ‘cares to take a look’. It might have worked a little better if I’d been able to find a photo of my dad as a child wearing glasses!

And, this week, Andy Oliver has reviewed this comic along with my other comic of a graphic medicine flavour, Spooky Womb, in his Small Pressganged column on the comics news site Broken Frontier. You can read what he has to say here.


3 thoughts on “Heredity

  1. I am different from you since I chose to be child-free.
    Though I have 7 nieces and nephews from 3 sisters (with 1 sister no longer alive), I’m not totally convinced anything from me passed through via my parents, etc…..all the way down to them.

    But I have to say natural gifts of writing, some artistic talent (which is very amateur compared to yours), is a powerful incentive to give to the world this piece of myself via my blog, other work.

    It’s courageous for you to do so even with problems related to your health. My best wishes for better health and inner peace.

  2. Thx so kindly, Paula for your encouragement. I am a lazy bum re painting. Without getting into too much detail, things at work are getting complicated. May get back into it..

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