Three Little Words / #MEawareness

It’s ME Awareness day. I’ve had ME/CFS for over twenty years to a mild-moderate degree, since I had Glandular Fever in 1993. I’ve had better years when I’ve almost felt normal, but it’s always been lurking. I’m only as well as I am because I’ve been lucky enough to be able (just) to pay for tests and treatments unavailable on the NHS (I have regular B12 and Magnesium injections from a private GMC-registered doctor of environmental medicine.) Others are not that lucky and the NHS still does not provide adequate treatment for this illness.

This blog is about attitudes and what to say – I’ve put up with some rancid comments over the years, not least when I wrote for Guardian Comment is free under the pseudonym Jayne Austin about ME and welfare benefits. Last night, I made a very quick and messy little comic to celebrate ME Awareness day, and to suggest how easy it can be to say the right thing (with a nod to Schulz, Peppermint Patty and possibly a few others – what can I say – it just came out!) TLW_web1_PaulaKnight TLW_web2



9 thoughts on “Three Little Words / #MEawareness

  1. Very interesting. I have a student who’s working on a short comic on illness and i’ve passed this to her in the hope it can inspire her. I like the idea of integrating the strip part with some text. The issue of form is so very crucial.

    • I probably would have done it all as a comic had I had time but I’m on a book deadline. Your student could perhaps send hers to the Graphic Medicine site when it’s done – they might share it. I hope she puts it online somewhere.

  2. Hi, Paula, I love the comic strip, I have had severe/moderate with severe dips ME – since Coxsackie B4 virus in 1982 when I was an undergraduate. All you say here rings true. I still find hard to believe that 30 years after my own diagnosis, there is such ignorance and lack of awareness of what myalgic encephalomyelitis is. My heart always goes out to those poor people who remain permanently bed/housebound, that is a hell hard for others to imagine. You may enjoy my novel The State of Me, published 2008, lots of black humour to balance the hell of the illness. Wishing you all best. NASIM

  3. Hallo Paula good job really excellent way of getting the message across I can think of nothing worse than being subject to an illness that you can feel that knocks you down; but leaves no visible trace. I hope you find the time to make some more cartoon commentary it a really effective medium.

  4. Great job Paula, thank you for helping raise attention to the suffering of so many in our community ❤

    Happy May 12th friends,

    It is with great pleasure today that we announce the creation of "Advocating4ME", a multi-national group of grassroots activists working together to raise funds for the most promising scientific research studies for Myalgic encephalomyelitis anywhere across the world. If possible, I would encourage you to come over and check out what we have planned in the near future 🙂

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